Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pushed on through the day and got some stuff done.

So we were off at 8am to get our flowers.
First day off in a long time so I wanted to take advantage of every minute of the day.
In between my To Do List, I had cable guy and internet guy over running my cable and internet, so that's done too! woohoo.

This is my little helper for the majority of the day.

We got lots of flowers. They're so pretty.

I found this image online and fell in love with it. So I hope to recreate it in my front flower beds. 

I know it will take a little time to get there. I might consider some sort of Miracle Grow or something, what do you use?

I bought  Delphinium, foxgloves, small Shasta daisy and pink knock out roses.

I need to get some Snapdragons and a couple more Shasta Daisy then I'll just sit back and watch it all grow.

There is a lot of painting to be done on this old Bungalow of mine. But at least now she has some sweet little flowers to look at.

There's going to be a tiny little white wood boarder around the flower beds. It will be so sweet. I hope my Peony's like where I planted them. We even went to Dollar General for a few little garden ornaments.

Then this happened.....

I tackled it. After weeks of debating and reading and listening to people telling me the "best" way to do it, I got down on my hands and knees, sometimes flat on my rear, sometimes on my side... lol
I stuck to it.
I wanted to quit but I feared the dreaded overlap of stain.
I persevered. I really didn't want to. Believe me I wanted to cave. The smell was horrible.
My knees and hands were killing me.
Needless to say my back was so binded up (is that a word?) When I did stop I started getting awful spasms and thought I'd end up in ER.

But I just had to get it done. I have to be moved by June 15th and that day is coming very quickly.

I got it done! I worked every minute of the day.

I am so happy that I kept on chuggin along. It looks just like I hoped it would.
Yes it's not perfect. But I did it, and I did it by myself.
Many people (men) told me it wouldn't turn out right since I didn't sand it down 1/8".
Many also told me that the stain wouldn't hold along the edges since I didn't sand it with and edge sander.
But guess what, I think it turned out purty dern  good!!!
In 2 days I will go over with my sealer and seal it with a roller. 

I love how it looks. I wanted it to look worn and aged and uneven. I can't believe I did this all by myself.

Oh and it took just 3/4 of the gallon!!! Gal at Home Depot said I would need 2 gallons. Guess what I'll be bringing back for a refund!! LOL

The finish is going to be a matte finish sealer. I want the floor to look like it has been waxed and I THINK the matte sealer will give me that look. What do you think?

Soo... after it is all sealed and set I'll go in and paint all the baseboards, then start moving in.

K, this gal is hitting the sack. I hope I can get out of bed in the morning!


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